The Sixty-Seventh Legislative Session adjourned Sine Die on Wednesday, April 10. Idaho Sportsmen worked with departments and lawmakers this Legislative Session to expand and protect access and opportunity for sportsmen and women to hunt, fish, trap, and recreate to protect our collective heritage here in Idaho.

Last Updated April 17


    Current updates on the status of legislation relevant to sportsmen issues


    Current updates on rules waiting approval from committees from the House and the Senate


    Current list of appointments approved by Senate Committees


    Current list of approved appropriations and budgets



HB 404 | Records, Wildlife | Passed the House (56-12-2) | Passed the Senate (29-6) | Signed Into Law

This legislation would add records identifying telemetry frequencies, remote camera locations, or precise locations of any terrestrial wildlife to records exempt from disclosure. This includes global positioning, telemetry, or remote camera data, among others. It does state a state agency sharing records on an individual basis or agency, or regulatory environmental review does not constitute a waiver of this exemption. The exemption also does not apply to records identifying generalized locations.
Sponsor: Rep. Petzke (R-21)

HB 485 | Livestock and Depredation | House Resources and Conservation

Replaced by HB592

Creates a section for “Livestock Depredation by Grizzly Bears and Wolves”. Gives the Office of Species Conservation (OSC) alongside the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and Idaho State Department of Agriculture spending authority and creates the Depredation of Livestock and Prevention Fund. This fund shall receive $225,000 annually with $150,000 to compensate claims and $75,000 for conflict prevention and education. The fund will not go over $400,000. Validated claims will receive compensation for fair market value and the OSC will annually provide policy about validating claims.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-31)

HB 592 | Depredation | Passed the House (56-12-2) | Passed the Senate (24-10-1) | Signed into Law

Authorizes the Idaho Department of Agriculture, in consultation with the Department of Fish and Game and the Office of Species Conservation to compensate for validated claims of depredation. Validated claims for depredation shall be paid on a pro-rata basis. Monies will be continuously appropriated to the fund, but the fund will not exceed four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). This legislation defines “livestock” as cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, bees, llamas, or equine animals used for food or the production of agriculture-based products.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-31)

SB 1322 | Invasive Species | Passed the Senate (25-9-1) | Passed the House (54-14-2) | Signed into Law

This legislation is meant to deal with the quagga mussel issues and strengthen the restrictions surrounding watercraft entering Idaho’s water. Watercrafts must have all vegetation and water removed before entering the water. Up to 20% of the invasive species fund revenue will be made available for equipment and supply costs to operate watercraft inspection stations.
Sponsor: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31), Rep. Blanksma (R-8)

SJM 104 | Hearing Protection Act | Passed the Senate (30-5) | Passed the House (Voice Vote) | Secretary of State

This joint memorial will reclassify suppressors to be regulated as a regular firearm under the Hearing Protection Act. The intent is to remove suppressors from the National Firearms Act where they are currently under heavy regulation. The joint memorial urges the United States Congress to pass the Hearing Protection Act.
Sponsor: Sen. Harris

HB 586 | Antlers and Horns, Non-Residents | Passed the House (49-17-4) |  Passed the Senate (22-11-2) –House Concurred (50-19-1) | Signed into Law

This legislation would require non-residents to obtain a hunting license to collect, possess, or transport antlers or horns from deer, elk, moose, or pronghorn.
Sponsor: Rep. Moyle (R-10)

HB 612 | Wolf Depredation Control Board | Passed the House (67-0-3) | Passed the Senate (24-9-2) | Signed into Law

Changes in powers and duties of the Wolf Depredation Control Board to allow for them to determine compensation. It allows them to use livestock loss numbers before the wolf reintroduction from 1995 as the base for each unit. The units will be determined by the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. Requires livestock producers to report actual losses to the Wolf Depredation Control Board by December 31 each year. The comparable loss payment will be based on available funding.
Sponsor: Rep. Boyle (R-9)


HB 484 | Season Setting | Held in House Resources and Conservation

Would require the Fish and Game Commission to have annual season settings, a change from the two (2) year standard. The commission would also be required to have thirty (30) days for public comment on the season setting. Once the season setting is complete then nonresident tags can be made.
Sponsor: Rep. Kingsley (R-7)

HB 469 | Muzzleloaders | HELD in House Resources and Conservation

Creates new section for “Muzzleloader-Only Season”, prohibits the Department of Fish and Game from adopting or enforcing a rule that prohibits the use of 209 primers, pelletized power, or sabots in muzzleloader-only season.
Sponsor: Rep. Mendive (R-5)

HB 587 | Draw Process, Non-Residents, Tags, Permits | Held in House Resources and Conservation

This legislation would require all nonresidents to obtain a hunting license through a draw process established by the Department of Fish and Game. This would ban nonresidents from purchasing tags for deer, elk, and pronghorn antelope over the counter.
Sponsor: Rep. Moyle (R-10)

SB 1345 | Private Property Rights | Held in Senate Judiciary and Rules

Replaced by SB1404

Restricts who and when certain groups are allowed to go on private properties. This would include police officers not coming onto private lands unless they have a warrant or responding to emergencies. Also included are conservation officers who may also not be able to enter unless they have a warrant or are responding to crippled wildlife or there is an accident they are responding to.
Sponsor: Sen. Anthon (R-27), Sen. Ruchti (D-29), Sen. Guthrie (R-28)

SB 1404 | Private Property Search and Seizure | Held in Senate Judiciary and Rules

Aimed to protect the rights of the private citizen for unreasonable search and seizures on a person’s property. The legislation references the constitution, case law, and statute as methods that apply to privately owned land rights. The private landowner is to take measures to ensure they indicate the land is privately owned and not open to conformance. This bill replaces SB 1345.
Sponsor: Sen. Anthon (R-27), Sen. Ruchti (D-29), Sen. Guthrie (R-28)


HB 696 | Hunting, Deer, Elk, Non-Residents | Passed the House (55-14-1) – Senate Resources and Environment

This legislation changes the out-of-state system which is an over-the-counter system to a drawing-based system for hunter tags for deer, elk, and pronghorn antelope starting November 15, 2026. A committee will be implemented for a nonresident draw. A non-resident will not be subject to a first come first serve basis unless the tag is unclaimed, returned, or unsold.
Sponsor: Rep. Petzke (R-21)

SB 1231aaS | Prevention of Accessing Licenses/Tags for Failure to Pay Fines | Passed the Senate (34-0-1) House Resources and Conservation

The purpose of this bill is to close a loophole currently allowing violators of Idaho Fish and Game laws to apply for hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses, tags, and permits when they have failed to pay fines for infraction or misdemeanor citations after conviction in a court of law.
Sponsor: Sen Foreman (R-6)

SB 1243 | State Grazing Lands | Passed the Senate (31-4) | Passed the House (66-2-2) | Signed Into Law

The purpose of this bill is to allow certain State grazing leaseholders to apply to the Idaho Department of Lands to convert a grazing lease into a grazing permit.
Sponsor: Sen Harris (R-32)

HB 343 | State Land | House Resources and Conservation

Amends Chapter 3, Title 58, Idaho code by adding section 58-304B. The new section requires all land use agreements to provide standard terms and conditions for maintenance and repair of the land by the lease, permit, or contract holder during the term of the agreement. Additionally, the section requires the land use agreement holder to address any damage to state lands that exceed the agreement’s T&Cs.
Sponsor: Rep. Raybould (R-34)

HB 468 | Rangeland Improvement Act | Passed the House (58-9-3) | Passed the Senate (24-9-2) | Signed into Law

Creates the “Rangeland Improvement Act” which creates a Grazing Board Central Committee and a rangeland improvement account. The committee will have four (4) members, two (2) appointed by the Governor from livestock producer nominations and two (2) serving at large. The account funds shall be used for rangeland maintenance, control of animals and invasive species, watershed projects, and the general welfare of livestock. Also outlines how the Department of Agriculture shall promote multi-use management of resources for lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-31)

RS 31105 | Land Inspection, Agriculture Director | House Agricultural Affairs

This proposed bill would allow ISDA to enter and inspect, with the landowner's permission, or alternatively ISDA could investigate with a warrant or probable cause. The purpose of an investigation would be to inspect, survey, treat, or destroy a plant or plant pest.

HB 536 | Cervidae, Quarantine | House Agricultural Affairs

Replaced by HB591

This bill would provide farms with chronic waste disease (CWD) in their herd under quarantine to be fenced off. The fencing must be structurally sound, maintained, of sufficient construction to contain the animals, and be a minimum height of eight (8) feet high. Additionally, this legislation would require these farms to test brain tissue samples. If a harvested animal tests positive, the persons in possession of the meat will need to be notified. Furthermore, this bill establishes that if an animal traceability investigation finds that no CWD-suspected animal resides at the domesticated elk facility, the quarantine would be lifted.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-31)

HB 434 | State Land | House Resources and Conservation

Requires all leases, land use permits, and other land use agreements for state land to follow conditions for maintenance and repair. Applies all leases the State Board of Land Commissioners has entered. Contracts shall include provisions for remediation.
Sponsor: Rep. Raybould (R-34)

HB 472 | Land Inspection, Agriculture Director |  Passed the House (66-1-3) | Passed the Senate (32-2-1) | Signed Into Law

This proposed bill would allow ISDA to enter and inspect, with the landowner's permission, or alternatively ISDA could investigate with a warrant or probable cause. The purpose of an investigation would be to inspect, survey, treat, or destroy a plant or plant pest.

SB 1258 | Abandonment and Vacation of County Highways or Public Right-of-Way | Passed the Senate (33-2) | Passed the House (44-25-1) | Signed Into Law

The purpose of this bill is to state no highway, public right-of-way, or anything similar leading to public access to state or federal public lands be vacated unless it is to be re-furnished or replaced. If the existence of access has not been previously legally adjudicated, then commissions shall follow previous procedures before adjudicating public access. Also outlines the process for lands or natural or ordinary high-water mark of public waters.
Sponsor: Sen Herndon (R-1)

SB 1292 | Idaho Department of Lands Legal Representation | Passed the Senate (32-3) | Passed the House (44-25-1) | Signed into Law

Allows the Idaho Department of Lands to hire private outside counsel and be approved by the Idaho Board of Land Commissioners. Amends existing code to include Idaho Department of Lands as an exemption under restricted employment of attorneys.
Sponsor: Sen. Harris (R-35)

HB 496 | Native American Tribes, Forest land, Federal Government | Passed the House (68-0-2) | Passed the Senate (34-0-1) | Signed Into Law

Establishes the information of Idaho law prohibiting a foreign government or foreign state-controlled enterprise from purchasing, acquiring, or holding any controlling interest in agriculture lands, water, or mining. Forest land is defined as it is not related to a foreign government but includes Native American Tribes who are not foreign governments.
Sponsor: Rep. Boyle (R-9)

SB 1340 | Relating to Fish and Game | Senate Resources and Environment

This legislation would allow the Commission to provide the opportunity for an individual to purchase an additional bighorn sheep, mountain goat, or moose tag to an outfitter that fills a wolf tag while outfitting. The tag will be issued for the same unit where the wolf was taken.
Sponsor: Sen. Okuniewicz (R-3)

SB 1342 | Relating to Grazing Leases | Passed the Senate (33-0-2) |  Passed the House (69-1) | Signed into Law

This legislation would extend the maximum grazing lease term from twenty (20) years to forty (40) years. Furthermore, grazing leases would be excluded from the department requirement that leases over twenty (20) years receive a hearing.
Sponsor: Sen. Harris (R-35)

SJM 103 | Opposing Snake River Dam Breaching |  Passed the Senate (29-5-1) – Passed the House (Voice Vote) | Secretary of State

This Joint Memorial outlines the importance of the Columbia-Snake River System and the Port of Lewiston as vital components of Idaho’s economy. Idaho opposes any removal or breaching of dams on the Columbia-Snake River System states Idaho’s sovereign control over water resources, and voices support for the economic development that the Port of Lewiston provides for the state.
Sponsor: Sen. Harris (R-35), Sen. VanOrden (R-30), Rep. Mickelsen (R-32), Rep. Furniss (R-31)

HJM 6 | BLM Rules, Opposing | Passed the House (57-10-3) | Senate Resources and Environment

This legislation addresses a proposed rule from the Bureau of Land Management by calling for a Joint- Memorial asking BLM to withdraw the proposed rule titled “Conservation and Landscape Health”. This rule would elevate conservation to a level consistent with other federal multiple-use requirements.
Sponsor: Rep. Blanksma (R-8), Rep. Durrant (R-23)

HB 591 | Cervidae, Quarantine |  Passed the House (61-7-2) |  Passed the Senate (27-7-1) | Signed into Law

This legislation defines terms that provide for fencing when animals are under quarantine. Any Cervidae ranch that is under quarantine due to the presence of CWD-positive, suspect, or exposed herds shall have perimeter fencing adequate to prevent ingress or egress of cervids. When harvest occurs during a period of quarantine, tissue samples shall be taken and submitted by the owner or operator of the farm to be examined for CWD. Furthermore, this bill allows for multi-facility ranching when under quarantine with the approval of the Director of the Idaho Department of Agriculture. Replaces HB 536.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-31)

HJM 9 | Snake River Dam, Flows | House Resources and Conservation

This resolution is in support of the Snake River Dam, it recognizes the multiuser system it provides for transportation, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, hydropower generation, and irrigation to the citizens. This would support it being considered for licensing under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s relicensing process for the Hells Canyon complex of dams.
Sponsor: Rep. Shepard (R-7)

HJM 10 | Grizzly Bears, Management | Held in House Resources and Conservation

The purpose of the joint memorial is to establish their opposition to the reintroduction of grizzly bears within the State of Idaho. The legislature is in support of the “no action” in the best efforts of the state by not translocating grizzly bears within the state as there are significant risks and dangers that would follow if such translocation happened.
Sponsor: Rep. Boyle (R-9)

HB 706 | State Assets | House State Affairs

Adds a definition for foreign principal meaning the government of a foreign adversary and provides a definition for forest land stating it is private or state-owned land being used for growing trees. Outlines that a foreign principal cannot purchase or acquire any controlling interest in agricultural land or mining, water, and mineral rights but the foreign principal may have a minimis indirect interest. States foreign principals that own or control agricultural land would have one hundred and eighty (180) days to sell or transfer the land, and when an entity directly or indirectly acquires agricultural land, they have sixty (60) days to register with the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. It also adds a new section for “Prohibitions on Lease or Purchase of Land or Dwellings Within Certain Geographic Boundaries.”
Sponsor: Rep. Hill (R-14)

HCR 37 | Rule Approval, Department of Environmental Quality | Passed the House (68-2) | Senate Resources and Environment

The House Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee approves the pending rules for the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
Sponsor: Rep. Barbieri (R-2)

SB 1443 | Endowment Trust Lands | Passed the Senate (34-0-1) | House Resources & Conservation

Creates authority for Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) and the Board of Lands to create guidance for leasing activities on endowment lands. The Land Board will determine the location, protection, sale, or rental of endowment trust lands for long maximum returns. These terms for leases will include conditions for sustainable management and stewardship for the type of use. A bond may be secured to ensure reclamation and restoration. IDL may promulgate rules for leasing activities.
Sponsor: Rep. Raymond (R-3)

SCR 126 | Rule Approval, Fish and Game, Department of Lands | Passed the Senate (Voice Vote) | Passed the House (69-0-1) | Secretary of State

This legislation approves the pending rules of Practice and Procedure before the State Board of Land Commissioners, Rules Governing Administration of the Reclamation Fund, Navigable Waterways Mineral Leasing in Idaho, Rules Pertaining to the Recreational Use of Endowment Land. Docket No(s): 20-0101-2301; 20-0303-2301;20-0305-2301; 20-0501-2301
Sponsor: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31)

HB 614aaS | National Forest, Good Neighbor | Passed the House (66-0-4) | Passed the Senate (34-0-1) | House Concurred (69-0-1) | Signed into Law

Creates a new chapter for “Sustainable Management of National Forests” to focus on conserving the natural resources and ecological and economic potential for the state, discusses using federal, state, and local collaboration specifically the Good Neighbor Authority. Outlines the duties and authorities of the Idaho Department of Lands that include providing education to nonindustrial private forest landowners, promoting forest management in and near the wildland-urban interface and community wildfire protection plans, promoting viable forests, actively participating in GNA policy for cooperative agreements, and enhance forest health. Discusses the GNA fund and what the Department of Lands may do with state proceeds, gifts, grants, reimbursements, and federal funds.
Sponsor: Rep. Boyle (R-9), Sen. Harris (R-35)

HCR 49 | Rule Approval, Lands, mining | Passed the House (64-0-6) | Passed the Senate (Voice Vote) | Secretary of State

This legislation approves the Idaho Dept. of Lands 2024 administrative rules with the exception of, IDAPA 20.03.01, Riles Governing Dredge and Placer Mining Operations in Idaho, Docket No. 20-0301- 2301, Section 051., Subsection -1 which the House Resources and Conservation Committee rejected because the committees believes it doesn’t agree with Idaho Code 67-5291.
Sponsor: Rep. Mendive (R-5)


Below we will list pending rules we monitor and await legislative approval. Committees in both the House and Senate are assigned rules to approve. To remind you, if a rules docket passes either the House or the Senate, they are set to go into effect but need to be enacted by legislation or executive order. Approved rules are marked with a (+) symbol will appear and rules not approved will be marked with a (-) symbol.



02-0609-2301 | Rules Governing Invasive Species and Noxious Weeds (ZBR)


13-0000-2300 | Establishing Seasons and Limits for Hunting, Fishing, and Trapping in Idaho
13-0106-2301 | Rules Governing Licensing (Temporary Rule) ++
13-0106-2301 | Rules Governing the Classification and Protection of Wildlife (ZBR) ++
13-0108-2301 | Rules Governing Taking of Big Game Animals ++
13-0111-2301 | Rules Governing Fish (ZBR) ++
13-0112-2301 | Rules Governing Commercial Fishing (ZBR Chapter Repeal) ++
13-0115-2301 | Rules Governing the Use of Dogs (ZBR) ++


24-3501-2301 | Rules of the Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board ++


20-0101-2301 | Rules of Best Practice and Procedure Before the State Board of Land Commissioner’s (ZBR) ++
20-0303-2301 | Rules Governing the Administration of the Reclamation Fund (ZBR, Fee Rule) ++
20-0401-2301 | Rules Pertaining to Forest Fire Protection (ZBR)
20-0402-2301 | Rules Pertaining to the Idaho Forestry Act and Fire Hazard Reduction Laws (ZBR)
20-0501-2301 | Rules Pertaining to the Recreational Use of Endowment Land (New Chapter) ++


26-0110-2301 | Rules Governing the Administration of Temporary Permits on Lands Owned by the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (ZBR, Fee Rule) ++
26-0120-2301* | Rules Governing the Administration of Park and Recreation Areas and Facilities (Fee Rule) ++
*Sections 255.07, 245, 247, 250, 254, 256, and 276 were rejected.
26-0134-2301 | Idaho Protection Against Invasive Species Sticker Rules (ZBR Chapter Repeal) +


Appointments approved by Senate Committees, are confirmed by the full Senate. As appointments are confirmed, they will appear below.

  • Pro Tempore Winder was confirmed by the Senate to the Idaho Endowment Fund Investment Board on January 18, 2024.

  • John Sigler was confirmed by the Senate to the Board of Environmental Quality on January 19, 2024.

  • Mary Pat Thompson was confirmed to the Idaho Endowment Fund Investment Board on January 22, 2024.

  • Representative Kenny Wroten was confirmed to the Idaho Endowment Fund Investment Board on January 22, 2024.

  • Dr. John MacMillan was confirmed by the Senate to the Board of Environmental Quality on January 25, 2024.

  • Patrick Purdy was confirmed by the Senate to the Board of Environmental Quality on January 31, 2024.

  • Don Ebert was confirmed by the Senate to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission on February 1, 2024.

  • Brad Compton was confirmed by the Senate to the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board on February 1, 2024.

  • Ed Schriever was confirmed by the Senate to the Northwest Power and Conservation Council on February 2, 2024.

  • Brody Harshbarger was confirmed by the Senate to the Idaho Fish and Game Commission on March 6, 2024

  • Travis “Bear” Prairie was confirmed by the Senate to the Idaho Energy Resources authority on March 26, 2024.


HB 459 | General Government Maintenance Appropriation | Passed the House (55-11-4) | Passed the Senate (28-7) | Signed into Law

The maintenance budget for General Government includes the Department of Administration, the Commission on Aging, the Commission on the Arts, the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Office of Drug Policy, Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Division of Financial Management, the Division of Human Resources, Office of Information Technology Services, the State Liquor Division, Military Division, PERSI, Office of Species Conservation, STEM action center, Workforce Development Council, Board of Tax Appeals, and the State Tax Commission.
Sponsor: Rep. Furniss (R-31), Sen. Grow (R-14)

SB 1269 | Natural Resource Maintenance Appropriation | Passed Senate Floor (27-7-1) | Passed the House (58-10-2) | Signed into Law

The maintenance budget for the Natural Resource Budget includes funding for the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Fish and Game, the Department of Lands, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Department of Water Resources.
Sponsors: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31), Rep. Miller (R-24)

SB 1372 | Department of Agriculture Trailer Appropriation | Passed the House (23-10-2) | Passed the House (53-16-1) | Signed into Law

The Department of Agriculture Appropriation includes administration, animal industries, agricultural resources, plant industries, plant industries, agricultural inspections, market inspections, market development, animal damage control, and sheep and goat health boards. It also includes eleven (11) budget enhancements totaling $16,800,900. Includes language relating to a cash transfer for quagga mussels for $5M to the Invasive Species Fund for quagga mussel detection and response. The total budget is $61,947,400.
Sponsor: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31)

HB 649 | Office of Species Conservation Trailer Appropriation | Passed the House (44-22-4) | Passed the Senate (25-10) | Signed into Law

The total budget enhancement is $113,000. The Office of Species Conservation has a total appropriation of $19,891,000.
Sponsor: Rep. Miller (R-24)

SB 1382 | Department of Fish and Game Trailer Appropriation | Passed the Senate (25-10) | Passed the House (40-30) | Signed into Law

Programs included in this budget are administration, enforcement, fisheries, wildlife, and communications. Includes thirteen (13) line items totaling $16,953,100. The total budget is $154,533,300.
Sponsor: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31), Rep. Raybould (R-34)

SB 1383 | Department of Parks and Recreation Trailer Appropriation |  Passed the Senate (24-11) | Passed the House (41-29) | Signed into Law

Programs included in this budget are management services, park operations, and capital development with twelve (12) line items totaling $31,655,900. Includes a $20M line item for Recreational Council and infrastructure. The total budget is $87,954,400.
Sponsor: Sen. Just (D-15), Rep. Petzke (R-21)

SB 1410 | Department of Lands Trailer Appropriation | Passed the Senate (22-13) | Passed the House (42-26-2) | Signed into Law

This appropriation funds business services, forest resource management, trust land management, forest and range fire protection, scaling practices, and minerals public trust oil and gas. There are sixteen (16) line items which total $12,466,000 and the total appropriation is $96,999,700.
Sponsor: Sen. Burtenshaw (R-31), Rep. Miller (R-24)

SB 1412 | Department of Environmental Quality Trailer Appropriation | Passed the Senate (21-14) | Passed the House (42-27-1) | Signed into Law

This appropriation includes six (6) programs and twelve (12) line items. The line items total is $2,884,100 and the total appropriation is $167,007,600.
Sponsor: Sen. Just (D-15), Rep. Raybould (R-34)

HB 459 | General Government Maintenance Appropriation | Passed the House (55-11-4) | Passed the Senate (28-7) | Signed Into Law

The maintenance budget for General Government includes the Department of Administration, the Commission on Aging, the Commission on the Arts, the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Office of Drug Policy, Office of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Division of Financial Management, the Division of Human Resources, Office of Information Technology Services, the State Liquor Division, Military Division, PERSI, Office of Species Conservation, STEM action center, Workforce Development Council, Board of Tax Appeals, and the State Tax Commission. Sponsor: Rep. Furniss (R-31), Sen. Grow (R-14)

SB 1269 | Natural Resource Maintenance Appropriation | Passed the Senate (27-7-1) | Passed the House (58-10-2) | Signed Into Law