Below are sponsorship opportunities available for the 2024 Claybuster Bonanza. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please fill out the form below and a representative from Idaho Sportsmen will finalize details with you.
Recognition on all event signage, invitations, and promotional materials.
Designated table/station at event and shooting station sponsorship included.
Sponsor will be able to customize the station to their liking by setting up a booth, signage, providing information materials, offering swag items, etc. at a shooting station and the event space.
Up to 8 shooters (2 teams)
Opportunity to speak and address the event participants
Recognition on event signage, invitations, and promotional materials.
Designated sporting clays station - customized station with signage, booth, promotional/information materials, offering swag items, etc. at station ( tables and material must be staffed and provided by sponsor).
Up to 4 shooters (1 team)
Recognition on event signage, invitations, and promotional materials.
Up to 4 shooters ( 1 team)