Week of January 17 - 21, 2022

The second week of the Sixty-Sixth Idaho Legislature's Second Regular Session saw a slow but steady return of regular meetings and processes. The week was filled with conversations, plans, and presentations, but many committees are just getting underway and organizing. More bills began moving forward with the largest income tax cut in Idaho history being front-and-center as the first bill to pass the House just eight days after introduction. The first few weeks of session can best be described as a train leaving a station. It is a large, slow-moving process that gets a bit faster each day and should be full steam ahead by mid-February and hard to control by the end of March.

Issues pertaining to insurance for school districts, juvenile corrections, elections, and agency rules began working through the process this week. Big items, beyond the income tax cut bill, remain in the works, but the bills have not been introduced in committee yet. On one hand, it feels early in the session to be debating large policy packages that have a broad range of impacts on Idaho businesses and families. On the other hand, there is a strong desire by many legislators to fund projects, programs, and agencies while cutting taxes so they can get the session over with and hit the campaign trail.

JFAC has been diligently working through agency presentations and is on track to begin setting budgets in mid-February. This is another signal of normalcy and commitment from chairmen and leadership this session compared to the previous year. But a massive budget surplus and billions in federal funds flowing into the state is creating unique challenges for the budget committee. How the policy committees are reacting to budgets is also unique and a dynamic shift in how things seem to be playing out this year as traditionally many of the policies are passed prior to budgets being set. Again, with the exception of the income tax cut bill, this year seems to be budgets first and policy second, at least so far. 

The Governor’s staff continues to push their budget recommendations, meet with chairmen, and work committees – the relationship between the legislative and executive branches certainly seems to be better than last year. Tax cuts, education funding, one time and long-term investments remain in the works with a commitment from legislators and the Governor to get these needs addressed. Keeping up with these proceedings remains a part of our daily efforts on your behalf.

The House and Senate floor sessions continued to be brief this week with only one bill, the income tax cut bill, being considered by the house. COVID continues to create a series of absences from legislators, staff, and others, but the work continues and there is no plan to recess this year.

Idaho’s Reapportionment Committee’s 6-0 decision on the new legislative districts is in front of the Supreme Court awaiting a decision.  This has added to the angst and eagerness to strike deals and get session done quickly as the uncertainty of the upcoming May Primary Elections weighs heavy on legislators’ minds.

As we head into week three of the 2022 session, we wanted to take a moment to again thank you for your trust in us. We remain fully committed to protecting and advancing your priorities and we welcome feedback and ideas on our processes and efforts on your behalf. If there is ever anything more, we can do to serve you, please ask.


