On November 16th, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission met to discuss administrative rules updates and hear an antler gathering closure proposal. Amber Worthington, Deputy Director of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), presented the proposed administrative rules, which are as follows:
Chapter Six: Governing Classification and Protection of Wildlife.
Chapter Eight: Rules Governing Taking of Big Game Animals, Section 406: Special Weapons Seasons, Muzzleloader.
Chapter Eleven: Rules Governing Fish
Chapter Twelve: Rules Governing Commercial Fishing
Chapter Fifteen: Rules Governing the Use of Dogs
Ms. Worthington provided a brief refresher on each chapter, as the commissioners had already reviewed the rules. Commissioner Davies commented on Chapter Eight and muzzleloaders, noting he has gone back and forth supporting this chapter. He stated that after hearing public comment, he supports the change. Vice-Chairman Ebert expressed that going through the ZBR process has allowed for more than just updating and fixing the rules; it also allows educational opportunities. Commissioner Attebury shared how the public brought forth these rules. Vice-Chairman Ebert informed the commission and those in attendance that if the commission votes to move the rules to pending, they will be presented to the Legislature for final approval. The motion was approved.
Toby Boudreau, Deer, and Elk Program Coordinator, presented to the Commission on the shed antler gathering. Mr. Boudreau noted that the public comment period was from September 18 to October 9, and IDFG had questions for the public to state their opinions. The proposal questions were as follows:
Do you support the establishment of emergency shed antler closures to decrease disturbances to wintering big game during and after severe winters?
If answered “yes,” which of the following options should IDFG implement for 2024:
Option One
A single-season shed antler gathering closure in the southeast region only, closed from January 1, 2024, to April 14, 2024.
Option Two
A single-season shed antler gathering closer in the southeast and upper snake regions closed from January 1, 2024, to April 14, 2024.
There were 1,916 responses, with 1,788 being Idaho residents. For question one, 51% supported, 18% supported but had concerns, and 31% did not support. For those who supported the first question, 10% chose option one, and 90% supported option two.
Mr. Boudreau shared the top ten (10) comments, which included:
Make the closure apply statewide (150 comments)
Enforcement of the closure will be challenging (142 comments)
Make the closure an annual restriction (71 comments)
Overlay human entry closures on shed antler areas (70 comments)
Support a May 1st or later opening date (65 comments)
Shed hunters are not the problem (50 comments)
Ban motorized vehicles on winter ranges (44 comments)
Closure will only stop law-abiding citizens (40 comments)
Have a nonresident season delay, similar to Wyoming (37 comments)
Support higher penalties for antler violations (32 comments)
Create a shed antler permit or license (32 comments)Commissioner
Cheirrett expressed his gratitude to the sportsmen for bringing this forward and motioned for emergency winter closures of gathering shed antlers in the southeast and upper snake region from January 1 through April 12, 2024, and 2025, to mirror big game regions. Jim Fredricks, Director of IDFG, commented that what was brought forth to the public was to be done for this winter and was not asked the public for their opinion for two (2) winters. He voiced his concern and told the Commission to act as they saw fit. Director Fredricks reiterated they want to have public comment for a response for the winter of 2023 to 2024, be cautious, and maintain respect for public comment.
Vice-Chairman Ebert discussed how horrible the last winter was and if the action is about an emergency closure for the next two (2) years. They were hit so hard, which warrants future closures due to numbers. Mr. Boudreau believes there is a biological lag in the mule deer population from the hard winters, so doing this for the following year could be advantageous. Still, he agrees with the Director on respecting public comment. Vice-Chairman Ebert asked if the emergency would be okay for the next two (2) years. IDFG shared how the findings this past winter and the proposal now was for an emergency winter, and there is time between now and next winter to take action. Vice-Chairman Ebert asked to amend the motion to reflect one (1) year. Commissioner Cheirrett discussed his thought process and wants to help set big game season and have more sportsmen input. His amended motion was the same, but the year changed from two (2) to one (1). There was a comment for next year to look at other regions because this could be an issue throughout the state and to follow their migration to other areas. Jon Racheal, Deputy Director of IDFG, commented on the clarity of the motion, specifically for clarity on what antlers. The motion was withdrawn, and a new motion was made for a single-season shed antler gathering closure in the Southeast Region and Upper Snake Region, closed from January 1, 2024, through April 14, 2024. The Commission approved the motion.