January Policy Meeting Recap
January 3, 2023
On January 3rd, 2023, Idaho Sportsmen held their monthly policy meeting to hear from natural resource agencies, legislators, and stakeholders. Excellent discussions took place surrounding Idaho, regional, and national issues. Many incoming and returning legislators joined this meeting, including Rep. Ron Mendive, Chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, who spoke on his excitement for the upcoming session and his role as Chair of the Committee.
Jim Fredricks, Deputy Director of Operations for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), spoke on Director Ed Schriever’s retirement. Governor Little appointed Director Schriever to the Northwest Power and Conservation Commission. Troy Elmore, Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, added a brief update on the growth of Idaho parks in the past three years. Administrator Mike Edmundson, Office of Species Conservation (OSC), updated the group on the monitoring litigation OSC includes sage grouse, wolves, grizzly bears, caribou, wolverines, and more. Multiple states and tribes are still in ongoing cases dealing with the Columbia River Basin issues.
Director Dustin Miller, Idaho Department of Lands (IDL), gave a quick overview of the recreation damage bill that stakeholders will bring forward. Currently, the only punishment for damage to endowment lands is criminal charges; law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys are reluctant to enforce due to the only solution being significant criminal charges. The bill will allow a warning for the first offense. If a second offense occurs within five years, individuals could receive a fine of up to $500 and a citation. Individuals found guilty of additional damage will receive a misdemeanor.
The Idaho Land Board did table the idea of supporting the potential legislation since the bill has yet to be printed, and there will not be an Idaho Land Board meeting in January. Once introduced, the Land Board can take a position on the bill. Jamie Neil, Director of Government Affairs for the Governor's Office, spoke on the fact that there were no substantive issues, solely process issues preventing support from the past and current Land Board members.
Benn Brocksome, Executive Director of Idaho Sportsmen, gave a brief update on the lifetime trapping licenses in Idaho and for three-day non-resident fur buyer permits. He said Idaho Sportsmen is still looking for ways to include more 18–25-year olds in Sportsmen activities, specifically non-resident students studying in Idaho. Idaho Sportsmen has been working on bill language that would allow a non-resident full-time student to receive a fishing license in Idaho at the resident price. Idaho Sportsmen plans to continue to work with stakeholders on language. While we don’t have a consensus on this policy issue with lawmakers yet, we are hopeful of finding solutions to address the need for retaining young adults and supporting them.
Idaho Sportsmen also reiterated to legislators to join the Idaho Sportsmen Legislative Caucus to support hunting, fishing, trapping, shooting, and outdoor recreation in Idaho. We hope to have many legislators join the Caucus to show support. Once the Idaho Sportsmen’s Caucus has established more members, we will begin working to find a caucus chair and co-chair from both chambers.
The Idaho Sportsmen Policy meeting ended with an engaging discussion of the upcoming 2023 legislative session. Idaho Sportsmen will track all natural resource bills, rules, appropriations, and budgets as they move through the process. Reports will be available to all members to view weekly updates.
The next policy meeting will be Tuesday, February 7th, 2023.