Monthly Report - June
Throughout May, state agencies began implementing plans for the various budgets and policies that passed during the 2023 Legislative Session. With the legislature finishing their work in April, the agencies have started to create plans for new programs that were an outcome of this session, spanning from the Medicaid Task Force to fire prevention, broadband expansion, new property tax processes, transportation grant programs, the Idaho Launch Program expansion and more. Agency boards have started distributing funds for the FY 23 supplementals and have planned for funds after July 1, 2023, with the start of the new fiscal year and budget cycle. BB&A has been working with agencies and boards, including attending public and other agency meetings, to ensure we can keep your priorities moving and up to date throughout the process.
The state of Idaho tracks all agency meetings through the new Idaho Townhall website, which serves as a clearing house for all public meetings. The website is a handy tool that helps all Idahoans engage. We aim always to be aware of and involved in these meetings. One of our goals is to be “in the right place, all the time.” This goal serves us well both in and out of session. We want to be there Wherever decisions are made or opportunities to advance your goals exist. We encourage your participation alongside us as we advocate for you. Typically, agencies post public meetings a couple of weeks prior, but they sometimes post the schedule just a few days before the meeting. All rulemakings, board meetings, and other government meetings are on the town hall website.
With the end of session comes the beginning of agency administrative rulemaking. Many agencies have started releasing the first draft of their negotiated rulemaking changes and begun another round of the Zero-Based Regulation (ZBR) process. ZBR will run through 2025, where all rules will be updated and consolidated by the end of the 2026 Legislative Session. Then, the rulemaking process will be on an eight (8) year cycle; however, we anticipate these processes will be less drastic cuts since we are laying the groundwork now.
As we move into the summer, BB&A will remain actively working to maintain and build relationships with our legislators, as well as with agency and local decision-makers, Governor’s staff, and more. With this being a non-election year for legislative and statewide offices, we are watching many of the local races for mayor, city council, etc. The General Election for local elections will be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Turnover is a natural part of what we do but it also means a constant effort to ensure we have the connections and relationships to open doors for you.
This time of the year is also a time for us to do research and ensure we are framing our legislative ideas correctly before sharing them with legislators in the fall ahead of the next session. We continue to contact legislators from every Idaho region to keep these valuable relationships updated. BB&A has been and will continue to attend local, regional, and national events and conferences to keep close ties with community members, local legislators, and other key partners. These meetings help us keep up to date on issues, as well as develop greater working relationships. These partnerships allow us to continue our successes for you and the state in the future. We are happy to make introductions to key partners as we move forward to develop your relationships as we continue to serve you.
We are also enjoying the opportunity to return to the rhythm of regular meetings and conversations with you. We are grateful for your trust, and it is a privilege to serve and advocate on your behalf. If there is anything else we can do to be of service to you, or the state, please do not hesitate to reach out to ask questions, discuss updates, or anything else you may need.
As a reminder, all bills from the 2023 Idaho Legislative Session are on the Idaho State Legislative Website. You can read more about the 2023 session through one of the links below.
On May 4, 2023, BB&A attended the Idaho Department of Land (IDL) meeting to give updates on the Reclamation Fund Rulemaking, Docket NO. 20.03.03. We were the only ones in attendance and since we’ve attended the meetings prior, they shared that there was no additional dramatic change, only clarification of statute and capitalization. The current version of the ZBR can be found HERE. The deadline for written comments on the draft will be May 10, 2023. Negotiated rulemaking public comment period is open currently as it was opened on April 5, and it will close on June 16, 2023. The next meeting will be prior to the close of the public comment.
BB&A also attended the Wolf Depredation Board Meeting where they discussed FY23 and FY24 projects, successes, and goals as they move forward. Jared Hedelius, Wildlife Services, shared quarterly updates with the board and discussed how this has been a busy year due to the implementation of radio collaring. They received notifications of 9 depredations across 8 different counties. Of the 9, one was confirmed to be wolf caused, one was listed as probable, 6 were unknown and/or possible, and one was determined as it was not a wolf but another animal. There were approved depredation of 17 control actions during that quarter in response to the 17 they removed 18 wolves. Successfully collared 10 wolves of those collars there are currently 8 still on land, sportsmen legally harvested 1 and 1 was on mortality and died of unknown reasons. Idaho Department of Fish and Game will present a 6-year gray wolf management plan. They received over 2,000 public comments and are hoping to get a plan started with Montana. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, June 20, 2023.
On May 9, 2023, BB&A attended the Federal Interim Committee where they discussed the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed rule that would manage public lands for, multiple use and sustained yield to focus on the health of ecosystems across the state/country. Dirk Mendive, Regional Director for Congressman Fulcher, led the committee through the overview of the proposed rule. Some concerns about the proposed rule were how it is going to affect mining and recreation on BLM land across the state as well as aquifer recharge and access. The committee had big concerns with the proposed rule and will be preparing statements for it.
On May 10, 2023, BB&A attended the Sage-grouse Stakeholder meeting held by the Office of Species Conservation to discuss state policy for when the state should intercept with federal policy. Federal delegations, Idaho associations, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and more natural resource partners impacted by this issue were a part of this discussion. This meeting gave OSC input on how to form small groups and how to create a more holistic mapping experience. Sonya Knetter, OSC, reviewed the mapping for sage-grouse data for the PHMA, IHMA, and GHMA mapping. Many stakeholders were concerned with the mapping areas, not including seasonal habitats. The goals focus on connectivity movements, fragmentation disturbance, habitat area, habitat sustainability, and GRSG use abundance. The group took the time to discuss the different areas of the map in detail, discussing areas where areas will need to be accommodated where less sage-grouse is wanted. The goal is to help ensure the triggers are effective if BLM policy moves forward. The group discussed fire seasons, other resources, mining, and how farming impacts the mapping and current ecosystem.
On May 16, 2023, BB&A attended the Idaho State Land Board Commissioner meeting. During this meeting, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game discussed the Greer Access site that was proposed to be disposed of. This has been identified as a surplus and does not prevent angler access. There are three parcels on the site, but they are only requesting the disposal of two parcels, and the cumulative value is $150,000.
BB&A attended Idaho Department of Lands negotiated rulemaking for Docket 20.02.01 – Rules of Practice and Procedures Before the State Board of Land Commissioners. Scott Phillips, Policy and Communications Chief, led the rules review and stated that there were no major changes. They are cutting the rules to one page, parts were incorporated into the statute and others were reduced to references. He noted that May 31 is the end of the public comment period for rulemaking.