On Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the Idaho Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus met for their monthly town hall forum. This month's town hall was a roundtable-type discussion, with most presentations from state departments/offices. The Idaho Sportsmen Legislative Caucus announced the 3rd Annual Clay Shooting Event on Friday, September 22, at 9 AM. Lieutenant Governor Scott Bedke will read the National Hunting and Fishing Day Proclamation signed by Governor Brad Little that proclaims September 23, 2023, to be National Hunting and Fishing Day at 8:30 AM. The event will be held at the Caldwell Gun Club and serves as a fundraising opportunity for the Caucus with raffles and 18 stations for attendees. RSVP for the 3rd Annual Clay Buster Bonanza here.
The Idaho Outdoor Recreation Fund Advisory Council will first meet on Friday, September 15, 2023. The agenda for the meeting is linked here. Director Dustin Miller with the Idaho Department of Lands spoke on the goals to recommend priorities for access and continuing opportunity for public land, trails, and additional recreational resources. The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation and Idaho Department of Fish and Game have representation on the Council along with state Legislators and individuals from the business, recreation, agriculture, sportsmen, and mining communities. The Advisory Council will present projects to the Idaho Parks and Recreation Board as a recommendation.
Director Jim Fredricks, Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), started his update by announcing Ellary Tucker Williams as one of the newest members of the IDFG team as the Legislative and Community Engagement Coordinator. She told participants that she looks forward to serving in her new role but will still be heavily involved in various issues. The Director then discussed the white sturgeon open comment period that will close on September 24, 2023. For more information or if you'd like to comment, please click here. Many hunting seasons are underway, including archery. Some great fishing options are also open currently, and many more are to come!
Animal whereabouts are open to the public currently; however, there have been issues raised surrounding fair chase practices and using public records to disclose animal locations. There will be ongoing conversations on whether some parameters are needed around this issue; a solution will be underway. Another concern shared was the use of E-bikes on trails. The current language is loose, and while IDFG considers them motorized vehicles, there needs to be more consistency. IDFG is looking to take this issue up with big-game rulemaking.
Joshua Uriarte, Office of Species Conservation (OSC), spoke on increasing Sage Grouse map priorities by 12% by submitting their proposal to BLM shortly. Sage Grouse is up 8% from 2022 and hopes to return to 2011 numbers. Grizzly Bear delisting programs are also under review, as well as federal legislation to delist, and will continue to progress in the coming months.
Kristen Ryan, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), is working with the US Department of Energy (DOE) and Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to revise current rules regarding restricted areas around INL. DEQ is working with DOE to address elk presence on private farming land and decrease INL-restricted access to land to allow more hunting land. Due to lack of access, elk depredation has been an issue in past years. Ms. Ryan also mentioned that DEQ has no legislation planned for the 2024 session; they only have a few budget items unrelated to sportsmen groups.
Dustin Miller, Director of Idaho Department of Lands (IDL), provided a brief fire season update and how the rain has been a tremendous help this season. There are currently no fires on IDL land, but there are still fires on BLM land. He spoke about how appreciative he was of Idaho Sportsmen helping with a joint press release to remind people about taking care of their fires to ensure they were completely out before leaving their site. Director Miller discussed the proposed endowment land rule that deals with recreation and use violations of endowment lands. This rule would take a less heavy-handed approach to deal with the misuse of land, waste left behind, misuse of trails, and more. This rule is scheduled for the October 4, 2023, bulletin.
Idaho Sportsmen wrote a letter of support for the Forest Legacy Program – Spirt of Mount Conservation Project to IDL. The benefits of this project will last generations, giving our children and grandchildren the ability to enjoy the same outdoor activities we have had the opportunity to enjoy.
Benn Brocksome, Idaho Sportsmen Executive Director, spoke on the goal to deal with the attempts to eliminate funding for hunters' education in elementary and middle schools nationwide. If this isn't addressed at the federal level, Idaho will quickly make a statement during the 2024 Session.
Chairman Van Burtenshaw requested an update on the sage grouse report and will share this update with his Senate Resource Committee. He also asked about the fire prevention efforts with the ground-based fire retardant and how this has been working with all the rain in the area. Director Miller stated this has been working well in the areas where it has been used, and he was willing to discuss future efforts to continue these applications, but IDL would need assistance applying next year. The Chairman is concerned with the use of the product but the fire season was not as strong as prior seasons. He would like to see additional funding for the product to disperse in additional areas. One area discussed was in OSC areas where sage grouse habitat is prevalent to protect this species. Chairman Ron Mendive voiced his support and gratitude for IDL firefighters and their hard work to protect communities across the state.
After many stories and a great conversation between Idaho representatives, senators, congressional delegates, Idaho Sportsmen members, directors, and deputy directors of natural resource agencies, the meeting was closed out with a big thank you for participating during these monthly townhalls.